Posted on 17th January 2024 by Harry
Shyam Sankar is Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Palantir Technologies in addition to the Chairman of Ginkgo Bioworks. Shyam holds a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University and a M.S. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.
In Today’s Episode with Shyam Sankar:
1. Journey to the Top of Defence:
- How did Shyam make his way into the world of startups and get a role with Kevin Hartz at Xoom?
- How did seeing Shyam’s parents lose everything impact his mindset and drive?
- What does Shyam know now that he wishes he had known when he started his career?
2. How the World’s Governments Buy Defence:
- What is the playbook for selling defence to different governments?
- Why is the way that governments purchase and procure so broken?
- If Shyam were head of the DOD, what would he change?
- Why does the DOD “need to pick winners”?
- Which governments are the best to work with? Which are the worst?
3. A World In Conflict: What Changes:
- How does conflict change the buying process and urgency for governments?
- How do elections change the buying cadence and process for different governments?
- Looking forward to 2024, how does Shyam predict the state of different global conflicts?
4. Hiring 101: You Have To Hire Artists:
- What have been Shyam’s single biggest lessons on what it takes to hire the best of the best?
- Why does Shyam believe that hiring great people is like talent management in Hollywood?
- Why does Shyam believe talent should be “shielded from budgets”?
- What have been some of Shyam’s biggest hiring mistakes? How did he learn from them?