Cut Your Content Creation Time in Half with This Strategy






This founder contributor article on content creation is by Alex Cattoni. She is a marketer, copywriter, 2022 Marketer of the Year, and the founder of the Copy Posse – the raddest, baddest crew of copywriters and entrepreneurs on the internet.


Do you hate creating new content but know that you have to in order to maintain a strong social presence and grow your brand?

Are you tired of hearing people preach of the importance of “consistency” in order to grow and scale your business?

Are you burned out from creating new content day after day and wondering how the heck you’re supposed to maintain this unsustainable momentum forever?

Yeah… I was too.

But what if I told you there is a way you can strategically create content that will allow you to show up consistently, reach more people, gain more traction, and boost your visibility – without having to rack your brain for hours every day trying to pump out new content?

Well luckily for you (and me!) there is.

Following this easy strategy allows me to create content once a week…

And get over 50 different touch points from it.

Pretty sweet, huh?!

In this article, I’m going to pull back the curtain on my personal omnichannel marketing strategy and show you exactly how I do it.

Let’s get started…

3 Steps to Better Content Creation without Doing More

Step 1: Create Original Content

The first thing you need to do is create your one piece of original content.

For me, that means I’m filming a brand-new marketing, copywriting, branding, or social media tutorial for my YouTube Channel.

But if you don’t have a YouTube Channel, that’s okay, you can still utilize this method.

Your original content could be a blog post for your website

Or it could be a highly-valuable newsletter for your email list

What it is doesn’t really matter.

What does matter is that it’s value-packed and original.

You really want this one piece of content to be pretty hefty – think of something that delivers great educational value, insight, training, or new information of some sort to your community.

This step is very important because this one piece of content is going to be what all the rest of your “free content” is based off of.

Which brings us to the next step…

Step 2: Create Your Omnichannel Strategy

Omnichannel marketing is when you promote your content across multiple channels to increase visibility and exposure to new audiences…

And it’s going to be your new BFF when it comes to creating content like a boss.

According to Omnisend, marketers using three-plus channels in any one campaign earned a 287% higher purchase rate than those using a single-channel campaign.

Exactly what your omnichannel strategy looks like will vary depending on what type of original content you’re beginning with and how many social media platforms you’re on.

Here is a breakdown of my personal omnichannel marketing strategy:

  • From my one original piece of content (my YouTube video), my team and I will send out two content emails to my list.
  • Every week we send out two emails discussing the content shared in the video – the angle of each email is slightly different.

We will either foster connection, tell a quick story, or offer up some value…

  • Then at the end, we let our audience know what the latest YouTube video was and link to it.
  • We also transcribe the script of each YouTube video, make some very minor edits, transform it into a blog post, and publish it on my website.

So now we’re hitting SEO on YouTube and Google. But we’re not just stopping with a blog post on my personal website…

  • Because you can also post blogs on LinkedIn.
  • So we re-post the exact blog – essentially word for word – in a LinkedIn Newsletter.

We’ve already reused the content 4 times and we haven’t really done any extra work.

Step 3: Repurpose Like a Pro

To maximize your omnichannel marketing efforts, you’re now going to take that one piece of content you created…

And repurpose it strategically over all your social channels…

Then you’re going to chop it up, repackage it, and repurpose it again

And again…

And again until you’ve squeezed every last bit of value from that sucker.

But notice I said – “strategically.”

You don’t just want to go around re-posting or re-sharing your old content day after day.

Here’s how I repurpose my content – and how I repackage it – so I can continue to use it again and again…

Static Posts

This one is a no-brainer. On the day a new video is released, we will reuse the thumbnail from the YouTube video for the graphic…

And the caption is almost always the same as the description box for the video or some combination of the email + description.

Here is an example.

We publish on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, YouTube Community and Twitter.


My team will extract key takeaways from the main video, and cut it down into a one-minute video clip, like this.

Which we publish on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts.

Carousel Posts

For these, we break down the primary content medium into bite-sized steps, extract a key takeaway, or expand on one main point over a series of slides, like this.

Which we publish on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube Community and Twitter.

Label Posts

These posts are essentially taking the keywords or terms from the primary content and turning them into a label post, like this.

We publish on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, YouTube Community and Twitter.

List Posts

Here we break the primary medium into a list (think of this post as a single image “listicle”), like this.

We publish on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, YouTube Community and Twitter.

Quote Posts

Take a powerful point or insight directly from your original content and turn it into a quote post, like this.

We publish on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, YouTube Community and Twitter.

Discussion Posts

Break the content into simple points and spread them across multiple slides, starting with a question to spark engagement and yes – discussion. Here is an example.

We publish on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube Community and Twitter.

And you could keep going on and on…

You could stretch this content out and continue to repackage and reuse it for weeks, months, and even years.

So instead of sitting down, day after day, and trying to force yourself into “feeling” like creating more content…

You just set aside one day a week where you create something original – and from that you can generate hundreds of touchpoints.

But did you notice the most important element of this entire strategy?

It’s not the way we repurpose…

It’s not how many times we can repackage and reuse…

It’s the visibility we’re getting.

We post the same content across ALL our social platforms.

When you do this, you’re not only stretching and maximizing your content…

You’re also gaining more visibility – which helps you build authority and trust with your audience.

Which makes them much more likely to buy from you.

And it involves barely any extra effort on your end.

How cool is that?!

Try it out and see how much easier your content creation workflow becomes!

Content Creation is Just the Beginning

If you want a detailed breakdown of exactly how this repurposing strategy works, you can watch a full tutorial on it here (if you prefer to read, check out the blog post here).

Thanks so much for reading!

Until next time, I’m Alex. Ciao for now.

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