

How to Balance Purpose and Profit for Long-Term Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. It used to be...

Product updates: subscription billing, new audio player, and more

From subscription billing to an upgraded Membership tab, there’s plenty to get excited about this month at Patreon. Plus, we have a new...

Announcing the AlliedOffsets CDR report! | by Soren Vines | AlliedOffsets | Jun, 2023

As you know the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) space is quickly becoming hot with interest and we at AlliedOffsets have released our CDR...

Crowdfunding Projects Take Center Stage on Our New Site

We are thrilled to unveil our redesigned website. Our new homepage is your portal to innovative projects and talented creators launching on our...

Discover the Finest Old Age Homes in Pune for Senior Care

Pune, a city steeped in history and known for its vibrant spirit, is home to a range of exceptional senior living facilities. In...

3 Proven Ways to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Success

Here's a real head trip: You may be preventing yourself from achieving your goals— without even realizing...

Unlocking creative independence in the Age of Algorithms

If you’ve opened Instagram in the past couple of months, you’ve probably noticed the sudden burst of videos gracing your feed, or the...

Creating Compelling Videos for Online Fundraising Campaigns

Fundraising platforms allow you to pitch your campaign to donors who can help your cause. There are several tips to promote your campaign...

Celebrity Finance Mistakes – These Celebrities Went from $100 Million to Practically Nothing

Celebrities lead a luxurious and lavish life. At least, that’s what social media portrays. However, the truth...

Patreon 视频简介 | Patreon Blog

今天,我们将向所有符合条件的创作者推出抢先体验 Patreon 视频的机会。无论是快速制作简短的幕后更新,还是发布会员专享的最新完整剧集,Patreon 视频都将为您打开一扇新的大门,帮助您成为最真实、最具创意的自己。告别广告,告别恶意评论,无需担心被算法错误归类。这里只有您,您的作品,以及热爱您作品的人们。 一键使用经整合的高性能视频功能 现在,您可以轻松将高清视频直接上传到 Patreon 平台。直接在 Patreon 上发布视频作品,省去创建私密链接或使用第三方整合功能的烦恼。您可以完全掌控自己的作品及其访问权限。 将您的社区汇集于此,打造高品质的沉浸式体验 通过高清视频、画中画和投屏功能,同时为使用移动端和电脑端的订阅会员提供超高品质的观看体验。无论订阅会员如何或在何处观看您的作品,我们的视频功能都将为其打造沉浸式体验。 不同于其他平台,您的作品不会被广告掩盖,或是被算法忽略,Patreon 将为您提供与受众直接建立联系的机会。您的作品将被直接展示给最关心它的人。这也是给会员的一张“后台通行证”,帮助他们解锁更多内容。会员无需再进行漫无目的的浏览,而是可以直接将目光投向您的作品。 发布视频预览,将更多粉丝转化为会员 想让粉丝了解他们在 Patreon 上错过了哪些精彩内容?您可以轻松为会员专属 Patreon 视频创建和分享视频预览。通过自定义预览时长、封面图片,灵活创建您自己的预告片,将其分享至社交媒体平台,加速会员业务的发展。 2023 年年底前,符合资格的专业级或高手级计划创作者无需支付额外费用,即可体验 Patreon 视频功能 在抢先体验期间,我们希望创作者有充足的时间来试用 Patreon 视频功能,以便了解整合视频如何为会员业务带来更多价值。 因此,在 2023 年年底前,所有符合资格的专业级和高手级计划创作者都可上传共计 500 个小时的视频。 我们计划于 2023...


The Great Bitcoin Crash of 2024

Bitcoin Crash The cryptocurrency world faced the hell of early 2024 when the most popular Bitcoin crashed by over 80% in a matter of weeks,...

Bitcoin Gambling: A comprehensive guide in 2024

Bitcoin Gambling With online currencies rapidly gaining traditional acceptance, the intriguing convergence of the crypto-trek and gambling industries is taking place. Cryptocurrency gambling, which started...

The Rise of Bitcoin Extractor: A comprehensive guide 2024

Bitcoin Extractor  Crypto mining is resources-thirsty with investors in mining hardware and those investing in the resources needed as the main beneficiaries. In this sense,...