Venture Capital


20VC: Is Speed the Most Important Thing from 0-1 | Why Hiring Inexperienced People is Better | The Biggest Lessons Scaling Zip to $1.5BN...

Posted on 24th April 2024 by Luca Zaparde is the Co-Founder and CEO of Zip, the world’s leading Intake-to-Pay solution, adopted by...

Deconstructing the Diligence Process: An Approach to Vetting New Product Theses

By Aimee Raleigh, Principal at Atlas Venture, as part of the From The Trenches feature of LifeSciVC Ever wondered what goes into diligencing a...

20VC: UiPath: The 10 Year Bootstrapping Journey that Turned into a $10BN Public Company | From a Dollar a Day to Romania’s Richest Man...

Posted on 22nd April 2024 by HarryDaniel Dines is the Co-Founder @ UiPath, one of the most incredible journeys in startups. For 10...

20VC: Three Core Lessons Scaling Freshworks to a $5.2BN Market Cap | Biggest Product and Pricing Lessons from Scaling to $597M in ARR |...

Posted on 19th April 2024 by Luca Mathrubootham is the founder and CEO of Freshworks, India’s first SaaS company to list on...

Generative AI: Opportunity or the end of media as we know it?

The internet had a massive impact on the media industry, as the reporting of news became a commodity few are willing to pay...

Keeping it Real: The Struggle for Objectivity in Tech Reviews

Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) is a creator, professional reviewer and bonafide influencer with millions of followers across social media channels (18.5M subscribers on Youtube,...

20Product: The Arc Product Market Fit Framework | Why the Best Product People Actually Build Less Product | Metrics 101, Good vs Great Product...

Posted on 17th April 2024 by Luca Peng is a Product Partner at Sequoia and one of the co-creators of Arc, their...

20VC: OpenAI’s Sam Altman and Brad Lightcap on The Future of Foundation Models: Will They Be Commoditised | How to Solve the Problem of...

Posted on 15th April 2024 by Harry Altman is the CEO @ OpenAI, the company on a mission is to ensure that...

20Sales: The Biggest Sales Lessons Scaling Brex to $400M ARR, Why Startups are Doing Outbound Wrong and How to Fix It & Why Demand...

Posted on 12th April 2024 by Harry Blond is the former CRO at Brex, where he led the company from near $0-$400M...

Cutting Through the AI Noise: How Startups Can Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Human attention spans are short, and some studies suggest they are getting shorter. The breakneck speed of AI advancement is one of those...


The Great Bitcoin Crash of 2024

Bitcoin Crash The cryptocurrency world faced the hell of early 2024 when the most popular Bitcoin crashed by over 80% in a matter of weeks,...

Bitcoin Gambling: A comprehensive guide in 2024

Bitcoin Gambling With online currencies rapidly gaining traditional acceptance, the intriguing convergence of the crypto-trek and gambling industries is taking place. Cryptocurrency gambling, which started...

The Rise of Bitcoin Extractor: A comprehensive guide 2024

Bitcoin Extractor  Crypto mining is resources-thirsty with investors in mining hardware and those investing in the resources needed as the main beneficiaries. In this sense,...