This quarter, we saw 2 increases in the Mintos Risk Score as well 1 decrease. There were 10 subscores changes of 0.7 or more for Q4 2023. Information on all changes is in the spreadsheet, and for significant changes we provided a comment.
According to the significance we see in each subscore, the weights of the subscores are Loan Portfolio Performance 40%, Loan Servicer Efficiency 25%, Buyback Strength 25%, and Cooperation Structure 10%.
To see detailed comments about all the latest changes in the Mintos Risk Scores and subscores, visit the Mintos Risk Score updates page.
We release Mintos Risk Score updates quarterly. Exceptions will be made in some cases when there is a significant material improvement or deterioration for specific Notes on the platform, in which case the changes are introduced as necessary.
For Mintos Custom portfolios, if you’d like to adjust your investment preferences based on the most recent Mintos Risk Score updates, you can do so in the portfolio settings.